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"Utopia" is an interactive

painting crafted to

transport viewers into an

imaginary realm free from borders

and discrimination. Conceived as my PhD project in 2021, this innovative artwork employs a refined presentation system featuring a monitor connected to an eye-tracking camera. As viewers engage with the painting, the camera subtly adjusts its position in response to their eye movements, creating a dynamic and immersive experience.

This interactive aspect is further enhanced

by a range of features designed to guide and captivate the viewer's gaze. Through carefully implemented loop structures, audio elements, and subtle animations, "Utopia" seamlessly draws viewers deeper into its intricacies, fostering a sense of exploration and discovery.

Inspired by the rich visual traditions of Persian paintings, "Utopia" combines traditional oriental motifs with contemporary themes to create a visually stunning tableau. Within the composition, ancient architectural forms coexist harmoniously with organic shapes, reflecting a vision of a utopian world where past and present converge.

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