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Between 2010 and 2016, I designed a series of posters for various theater performances and advertisements. Additionally, I served as an art director of a graphic design online magazine and created several posters for monthly releases. My poster designs mostly derive from my passion for the Warsaw School of Poster Design. While I used digital tools to finalize my work, I preferred to start with manual hand drawings. My design style features vivid colors and high-contrast lively images, which I believe make my posters stand out.


Poster Design for Sachiko Kodama Art Exhibition, 2016, Tokyo

Poster Design for Movie, “PRESENTIMENT” 2015

Poster for Theatre Show, “Confessions About Women”, Fadjr Theater Festival, 2011

Cover Poster, The 1st Iranian Graphic Designers Online Magazine, May 2013

Cover Poster, The 1st Iranian Graphic Designers Online Magazine, August 2012

Cover Poster, The 1st Iranian Graphic Designers Online Magazine, September 2010

Poster for Theatre Show, “CHEZ PULCHERIE”

2011, Tehran City Theater

Theatre Poster Design, “Beauty and Beast“ Puppet Operas Show
2010, Tehran City Theater

Poster Design, Azerbaijanis Folk Music Concert
2010,  Tabriz City Hall

Theatre Poster Design “Step by Step to Myself” Performance 2010, Tehran City Theater

Poster Design, Green Energy Conference
2010, Tehran City Hall

Poster Design, Pre-marriage HIV test , Tabriz Local Health Department, 2010

Poster Design, Conference of Azerbaijanis Literature,

2010, Tabriz Cultural Center

Commercial Poster Design, “An Angel Beside You” The first Iranian Mobile Operator, 2010

Commercial Poster Design, ” PATAN JAMEH” Clothing,

Winter Collection, 2009

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